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Simple Cookie Consent using JS and GTM

Simple Cookie Consent in Google Tag Manager using JS

With the recent introductions of privacy focused laws, gaining user consent before deploying tracking tags and cookies has become the norm. You have probably seen a pop-up appear on most websites asking for your consent. Let’s take a look at...

World Happiness Index 2020

World Happiness Index 2020 – Visualization

The World Happiness Index is a global survey that ranks over 150 countries on happiness, and other factors based on how people view their country. As a data visualization project, I took a subset of their data and visualized it in Google Data...

Movie Stats Visualized by Muhammad Ali

My Movie-Watching Stats Visualized

Back in 2011, I started rating all the movies I was watching. First, I rated all the movies I knew I had already watched, and then keeping up with the practice. I started this because I would get confused whether I had already watched a particular...

Identifying 404 pages in Google Analytics

Find Broken Backlinks using Google Tag Manager

Broken backlinks are very frustrating for your users. If someone clicks on a link to your website, they want the content they were expecting. A broken link will immediately make them go back to where they came from and try another link. Most users...


Basic Google Tag Manager Setup for Google Analytics

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is an excellent tool to streamlime your analytics tags like Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Hotjar, etc… When coupled with Google Analytics, it also allows you easily setup events that you can use for tracking goals...

Identifying 404 pages in Google Analytics

Find 404 (Broken) Pages using Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a powerful tool. It gives you a lot of valuable data like of where your visitors are find your website, which pages they are viewing and how long they are spending on your website. There is no report inside Google Analytics that...

Smart phone with Chrome browser logo

Force Browsers to Reload Cached Files (JS, CSS)

Cached files are locally stored versions of your file in the users browser. The first time a user visits your website, those files may be downloaded and stored in their memory (browser cache); so that the next time they visit, the browser can load...

Muhammad Ali